The Earth Is Kept From Spinning Off Its Axis By Unblinkered Madmen

Caitlin Johnstone
3 min readMar 9, 2019


You have got to be out of your mind.

You’ve got to be crazy enough to slap aside the hand that is offering you the Kool-Aid.

You’ve got to be mad enough to call it a spade when everyone else is calling it a sunflower.

You’ve got to be nutty enough to see a new world around the corner while everyone else says it’s impossible.

You’ve got to be off your rocker and skanking to ’90s ska punk while everyone else is quite certain they’re hearing a calliope waltz.

The earth is kept from spinning off its axis by unblinkered madmen. By lucid lunatics. By clear-eyed crazies.

The only thing keeping the world from plunging into total insanity are those few who are insane enough to doubt its sanity.

Those few who cringe at the tinny bloviations of the Official News Man and strain to hear the whispers underneath the cacophony.

Those few who close their ears to the blaring screens and open their foreheads to the great big sky.

Those few who are loony enough to see dust and ashes on the faces of billboards and paradise between the gaps in the noise.

You’ve got to be absolutely bat shit mad as a March hare, to keep yelling at the Bastards when the world insists you pretend you don’t see them.

To keep forging toward the light when everyone is screaming that it is darkness.

To keep building heaven on earth while the world hides your bricks and buries your tools.

Thank you, berserk bulwarks.

Thank you, savage saints.

For daring to hallucinate when the world says regurgitate.

For daring to howl when the world says march.

For daring to dream when the world says die.

You are the madmen who will lead us out of this mad house.

You are the homeless wanderers who will lead us home.












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