Please Just Fucking Die Already
A study by the Journal of Patient Safety says that somewhere between 210,000 and 440,000 patients die every year as a result of medical errors. If there was a God, murderous warmongering neocon John McCain would have been one of them.
Checkmate, theists.
If you’re waiting for the part where I say I’m just kidding and would never wish death on anybody, please allow me to make myself clear: I sincerely, genuinely hope that Arizona Senator John McCain’s heart stops beating, and that he is subsequently declared dead by qualified medical professionals very soon. I don’t wish him a painful death, I don’t wish him a slow death, I don’t wish him an unnatural or violent death; I only wish that he becomes incapable of facilitating the merciless slaughter of any more human beings.
And yet here he is, as if taunting us all, crowing after a major surgery at 80 years of age about how he can’t wait to get back to work.
This evil man has supported every US military bloodbath in his obscenely long lifetime, and has been actively involved in both promoting and manufacturing support for every single despicable act of military invention throughout his entire career. A 2013 Mother Jones article from back before that publication became another establishment smut rag titled “Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack” describes how McCain has sincerely pushed for military escalations in countries not even the insatiable US war machine has gone for.
This man has such a hardon for World War 3 he went so far as to publicly accuse Rand Paul of “working for Vladimir Putin” in March for opposing NATO expansionism. On the Senate floor. In real life.
Eighty years is a long time. John McCain has led a good, long life, had a lot of grandkids, gotten a lot of people’s guts ripped out with cluster munitions. He can take it easy now. There’s no reason anyone should still be going to work at 80 years old. He can die a proud, happy man. And he should. Like, yesterday.
To this day I still find myself debating the debunked Russiagate conspiracy theory with people who think Christopher Steele’s Pissgate dossier is a real thing with real information in it. While Senator McCain was enjoying a karmically unfair successful surgery, I read this excellent piece by Elizabeth Nolan Brown detailing McCain’s likely involvement in moving that error-filled joke of a dossier toward eventual public consumption, where it would then be spoken of by pundits like Rachel Maddow in a serious tone of voice as though it had any relevance to real life whatsoever.
McCain has been leading the charge on escalations with Russia, because of course he fucking is. Like all neocons have done since the advent of neoconservatism, McCain promotes a very hawkish, anti-detente position toward Russia, which he has been advancing like a good little horseman of the apocalypse at every possible opportunity, from Syria to sanctions to NATO provocations. For this reason he has found himself in what is hopefully the twilight of his life the sudden darling of the Democratic party, which, in its relentless striving to do literally anything other than move left, has been trying to make red-baiting and McCarthyism cool again.
This shift of the neoconservative ideology back toward the Democratic party where it was originally born is one of the most significant political events of the decade, but hardly anyone ever talks about it. The Russia hysteria that has seized America by the brain stem has been used to herd Democrats into espousing many foreign policy positions that neocons like John McCain have been pushing for years. Michael Tracey’s fantastic new Medium article “The Pathetic Rehabilitation of Max Boot” takes a stab at describing this shift in the light of the way neocon cave troll Boot — who openly extols the merits of actual US imperialism — has enjoyed the respect and deference of liberal media since the Russia nonsense flew off the handle.
And now we’re on the brink of a world war with a nuclear superpower and its allies because these Democratic neocons and Republican neocons formed an alliance to advance what Paul Craig Roberts calls “the most dangerous ideology that has ever existed.” These horrible people inflicted this on our species, and may very well end up handing us our extinction in the very near term.
So yeah, if John McCain could go ahead and die sooner rather than later, that would be awesome. Or retire if he can recover from his addiction to human blood; that would be fine too. Whatever gets his horrible inner demons as far away from America’s steering wheel as possible.
UPDATE: John McCain has been diagnosed with an extremely aggressive brain cancer. Click here for my response.
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