Oh You’ve Got To Be Fucking Kidding Me
Well, we’ve done it folks. We’ve hit peak corporate fauxgressivism.
Go home, Hillary’s hot sauce. Go home, Chuck Schumer’s fake tears for immigrant families. Go home, Bill Maher taking a knee. You’ve all been blown clean off the pages of establishment liberal vanity politics history forever.
This is always the way it happens. They always do this. You get a cool, real anti-establishment movement happening, and the establishment finds a way to hijack its momentum and divert it toward corporatist oligarchic interests. Important civil rights grievances get used to blackmail vulnerable populations into voting Democrat. Bernie’s revolution got warped and twisted into phony establishment “Resistance” cronyism. Now we’re seeing it taken to its most obscene extreme in Colin Kaepernick’s recent meeting with Bana Alabed, a child who has been used and exploited in blatant acts of war propaganda.
Kaepernick has arguably done more than any other living individual to bring attention to the present-day epidemic of US police brutality in general and to law enforcement’s disproportionate violence toward black Americans in particular. His grievances are legitimate, the movement he’s helped lead is very important, and his influence presents a very real obstacle for those who wish to keep expanding the militarization of America’s depraved police state. So naturally he’s been selected to help publicize the book of a known psy-op whose sole purpose has been to manufacture western support for military interventionism in Syria.
And it’s not just Kaepernick. The Malala Fund, the nonprofit girls’ education organization founded by Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai, has been promoting the new Bana Alabed book as well.
This is a standard tactic we’re seeing used again and again by these manipulative fucksticks. Humanity’s natural impulse toward goodness and harmony gives birth to something beautiful, and the psychopathic elites who have seized control of our world find a way to corrupt it toward their interests. Humanity is constantly striving to wake up from its illusions and begin functioning in a sane way, but these bastards are so adept at the science of social manipulation that they always find a way to divert the momentum of those efforts, aikido-like, toward lulling humanity back to sleep.
This is the entire purpose of the Democratic party right now, while we’re on the subject. The so-called “two-party system” is really just one corporate party with two different functions: the Republican party which blatantly advances plutocratic interests, and the Democratic party which hijacks any revolutionary movement against those interests and diverts it back into less obvious establishment loyalism. Any attempt to rally people together to advance the interests of humanity over plutocracy gets instantly infiltrated by Democrats saying “Yes! Absolutely! We’re on your side! Let’s fight the man together! Just elect this pro-fracking Democratic war hawk with extensive ties to Goldman Sachs so we can help stick up for people like you!”
Bana Alabed is undeniably a deceitful war psy-op which has been advanced by the highest levels of the mainstream media. There is a mountain of irrefutable evidence for this fact, including hard proof that CNN knowingly staged a fake, scripted interview with a little girl who can’t speak English for the purpose of selling an anti-Assad, pro-interventionist narrative against Syria to the American people. They presented that fake interview to their audience as real, and CNN’s Alisyn Camerota necessarily had the other half of the script they used.
And now we’re seeing her paraded around with the likes of Malala and Colin Kaepernick to lend the psy-op the illusion of legitimacy and to pied piper all well-intentioned revolutionary sentiment into support for the US war machine.
Last week, one year after he called Colin Kaepernick “a fucking idiot” for criticizing Hillary Clinton, sleazy plutocratic ball tickler Bill Maher took a knee. He didn’t do this in support of the African American community, and he didn’t do it to protest police brutality. He did it because the Republican president had recently made some asinine tweets, and he wanted to rally Democrats in opposition. The establishment manipulation — the exact variety we’re discussing in this article — could not have been more blatant.
Bill should have little Bana on his show.
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